Resources, Sustainable Development Goals
New resource: Private Sector Investment and Sustainable Development
UN Global Compact Network Australia | March 10, 2015
There is growing consensus that private finance will be critical to achieving sustainable development. Further, as economies and markets become more interdependent, private sector actors have an inherent interest in seeing sustainable development succeed.
The UN Global Compact, together with UNPRI, UNEP-FI and UNCTAD have developed a new publication, Private Sector Investment and Sustainable Development – The current and potential role of institutional investors, companies, banks and foundations in sustainable development, to bridge the terminology and investment approaches of traditional development actors and the private sector so that private finance can be better leveraged for sustainable development.
The report suggests specific actions for private sector actors to scale up their involvement in sustainable development by, for example, publishing high-quality sustainability reports that are consistent with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) or reforming incentives to favour long-term investment that are aligned with SDG achievement. See the report here.