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BLOG | Integrity & Opportunity in the Business of Sport: Key Takeaways and Resources
Dan Wilcock | December 13, 2024
On 8 August, 2024, the UNGCNA hosted a Roundtable on Integrity & Opportunity in the Business of Sport in Brisbane, the host city for the 2032 Olympics and Paralympics.
The Roundtable acknowledged that Australia’s ‘Green and Gold Decade’ has the potential to excite and engage the world, as well as transforming host communities through the development of sustainable infrastructure and venues, providing a legacy for years to come. Nevertheless, past event hosts around the world have had the legacy of their events tarnished by incidents of corruption and collusion. The Roundtable was developed to align with Principle 6 of the G20 High-Level Principles on Tackling Corruption in Sport: Support sports organizations to enhance governance, transparency and accountability and ensure the integrity of major sports events, including associated procurement. The Roundtable benefitted from the participation of the UN Office on Drugs and Crime and the Australian Government’s Office for Sport, along with a range of enforcement agencies, sport organisations and businesses.