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Kylie Porter | September 6, 2018

The Global Compact Network Australia (GCNA) supports the Modern Slavery Bill (2018) in an open letter to the Prime Minister

UN Global Compact Network Australia | March 31, 2017

Support builds for Australian Modern Slavery Act, with statements from the BCA and investors

UN Global Compact Network Australia | February 27, 2017

Missing Out: The Business Case for Customer Diversity

UN Global Compact Network Australia | January 30, 2017

Sir Mark Moody-Stuart on responsible corporate leadership in uncertain times

UN Global Compact Network Australia | December 21, 2016

Global momentum grows around National Action Plans (NAPs) on Business and Human Rights: US, Italy, Switzerland and Germany publish NAPs

UN Global Compact Network Australia | November 28, 2016

Australian Government announces stronger response to trafficking and slavery, including business initiatives

UN Global Compact Network Australia | November 15, 2016

Corporate water stewardship builds resilience and could save the global economy $14bn per year

UN Global Compact Network Australia | September 26, 2016

The SDGs: One Year On

UN Global Compact Network Australia | September 19, 2016

CEOs and World Leaders Meet at United Nations to Activate Private Sector on Refugee and Migrant Crisis