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Angelucci Artchitecs


Angelucci Architects is a dynamic and innovative architectural firm committed to delivering exceptional design solutions that inspire, enhance, and transform spaces. With a team of highly skilled architects and designers, we bring together creativity, functionality, and sustainability to create spaces that stand the test of time.

Our dedicated team approaches each project with diligence and a keen focus on both aesthetic excellence and functional efficiency.

We leverage cutting-edge research to shape spaces that delight, engage, and transform.

We integrate the latest architectural research and technological advancements into our projects. With our ongoing collaborations with design institutions, we stay informed about emerging trends and sustainable practices, we ensure that our designs are forward-thinking and aligned with industry best practices and social responsibility.

Environmental responsibility is at the heart of our designs. We prioritise sustainable materials, energy-efficient systems, and innovative design strategies that minimise the environmental impact of our projects. Our commitment to sustainability drives us to integrate environmentally conscious materials and energy-efficient solutions into our designs, promoting green building practices within construction.

We have developed designs for manufacturing and assembly (DFMA), particularly in the realm of modular design for schools and housing. Our expertise lies in creating innovative architectural solutions that seamlessly integrate with construction techniques, optimising efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and sustainability throughout the entire project lifecycle.