
Sustainability Governance

Integrity & Opportunity in the Business of Sport

Australia’s ‘Green and Gold Decade’ has the potential to excite and engage the world, but also to transform host communities in Australia through the development of sustainable infrastructure and venues, providing a legacy for years to come.

Unfortunately, multiple event hosts around the world have had the legacy of their sport events tarnished by headlines involving bribery, corruption and other corporate criminality.

The UNGCNA hosted a Roundtable on Integrity & Opportunity in the Business of Sport to align with Principle 6 of the G20 High-Level Principles on Tackling Corruption in Sport:

Support sports organisations to enhance governance, transparency and accountability and ensure the integrity of major sports events, including associated

The Roundtable benefitted from the participation of the UN Office on Drugs and Crime and the Australian Government’s Office for Sport, along with a range of enforcement agencies, sport organisations and businesses.

Get Involved

The UN Global Compact Network Australia convenes an annual multi-sector, multi-stakeholder Anti Bribery and Corruption dialogue. Register your interest at secretariat@unglobalcompact.org.au.

Contact us

To find out more about our Sustainability Governance workstream, contact:

Dan Wilcock

Dan Wilcock

Head of Sustainability Governance

Our topics

Anti-Bribery & Corruption

Corruption is a significant obstacle to economic and social development globally. It also has negative impacts on sustainable development and disproportionately affects poor communities...

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Bribery Prevention Network

Australian businesses need easily accessible, reliable and relevant resources to manage risks as they reach into international markets. Australian companies operating internationally are faced...

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Introduction to Anti-Bribery and Corruption Compliance

This series has been produced with anti-bribery experts at Allens and serves as an introduction for teams across your business on the importance of

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Greenwashing: Time to stop the spin cycle

This course is designed to equip marketing and communications professionals with the knowledge and skills to identify pitfalls in communicating about environmental, social, and ...

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