Advocacy, Sustainable Development Goals
Request for Input – Senate Enquiry
UN Global Compact Network Australia | February 23, 2018
Further to the article in our December 2017 Newsletter, the Global Compact Network Australia is seeking to gather feedback from our members to assemble a submission to the Senate Inquiry into SDG implementation in Australia.
We would welcome your views on the following terms of reference:
- The current level of understanding and awareness of the SDGs in the Australian community
- The potential costs and opportunities for Australia in implementing the SDGs
- Which governance structures and measures are required to drive meaningful and tangible SDG-related outcomes
- Examples of best practice implementation from abroad, which can be adapted and utilised in Australia
- Which of the SDGs can be achieved through Australia’s Official Development Assistance (ODA) programme and which SDGs are currently being address by ODA
- How countries in the Indo-Pacific are responding to implementing the SDGs, which of the SDGs have been prioritised in these countries and how can these priorities be incorporated into Australia’s ODA programme
We also encourage our members to make submissions on behalf of their own organisations. Full details of how to make a submission are found at: https://www.aph.gov.au/Parliamentary_Business/Committees/Senate/Foreign_Affairs_Defence_and_Trade/SDGs
To provide feedback to the GCNA for our collective submission please email your responses to secretariat@unglobalcompact.org.au no later than 16 March 2018.