Environment & Climate Change, News
Partnering for environmental outcomes
UN Global Compact Network Australia | December 15, 2017
The Department of Environment and Energy is leading a project to co-design a partnerships signal – a tool to generate new and better ways to collaborate across sectors for improved environmental outcomes. The co-design project is an important opportunity to speak directly with government about the barriers and incentives to establishing and maintaining partnerships.
The co-design process
A Core Co-Design Group made up of representatives from a broad range of sectors has been formed to lead development of the signal, supported by the Partnerships Team in the Department of Environment and Energy. The Global Compact Network Austrlia is a member of the Core Co-Design Group.
Throughout the start of 2018, sector-specific incubator sessions will be held with government, philanthropic, civil society and business representatives to understand sectors’ drivers and priorities and highlight areas of mutual interest. Using information from the incubator sessions, the Core Co-Design Group will develop the signal, with outcomes of the project anticipated in March 2018.
Defining partnerships
Partnerships come in many different forms, and this project seeks to explore the depth and diversity of partnership opportunities and the role that government might play.
Partnerships might take the form of corporate responsibility programs like the Carbon Neutral Program or shared value initiatives like DFAT’s ministerial statement on engaging the private sector in aid and development or conservation financing ventures like the Murray Darling Basin Balanced Water Fund. Philanthropic partnerships are also an option, an example of which is under development through the Department’s work with philanthropists and the private sector to establish a new Antarctic Science Foundation to augment Commonwealth investment in Antarctic science and support new and iconic research.
The co-design project seeks to learn from existing partnerships and identify new and innovative ways to partner.
Express your interest
Incubator sessions for business and civil society will be held in Melbourne in the week of 29 January and Sydney in the week of 5 February. If you would like to express your interest in attending an incubator session, or would like further information about the co-design project, please contact the Department of Environment’s Partnerships Team by emailing partnerships@environment.gov.au