
Our Members

Australian Bedding Stewardship Council


The Australian Bedding Stewardship Council (ABSC) is a Not-For-Profit committed to driving sustainability within the bedding industry across Australia. Established with a mission to lead the transition towards a circular economy, the ABSC unites manufacturers, retailers, recyclers, and consumers under a vision of environmental responsibility and resource recovery.
Operating under an ACCC-authorized product stewardship scheme, the ABSC is dedicated to minimizing the environmental impact of bedding products throughout their lifecycle. By promoting innovative recycling solutions, advocating for sustainable product design, and fostering collaboration across the supply chain, the ABSC aims to reduce waste, increase the reuse of valuable materials, and ensure that end-of-life bedding products are responsibly managed.
Aligned with the principles of the UN Global Compact, the ABSC upholds the values of environmental stewardship, social responsibility, and ethical business practices. Our work contributes to the achievement of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, particularly those focused on responsible consumption and production, climate action, and sustainable communities.
The ABSC is proud to be at the forefront of Australia’s efforts to create a more sustainable future for the bedding industry, ensuring that products are fit for purpose, accessible to all communities, and leave a positive legacy for future generations.