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Modern Slavery Reporting Requirement: Consultation Roundtables Announced

UN Global Compact Network Australia | September 21, 2017

Following the release of the Australian Government’s consultation paper on the proposed introduction of a modern slavery reporting requirement, the Attorney-General’s Department is convening consultation roundtables in Melbourne, Sydney and Perth during October.

Consultation Roundtables

Consultations will be held on the following dates:

  • Canberra: 22 September
  • Melbourne: 9 – 10 October
  • Sydney: 11 – 12 October
  • Perth: 13 October

Separate business and civil society consultation roundtables will be convened. Details are available here. These roundtables are an important opportunity to speak directly with Government about the proposed reporting requirement. Once the consultation roundtables have been completed, the Attorney-General’s Department will publish an anonymised summary of discussions. Register by emailing slavery.consultations@ag.gov.au.

Direct meetings with AGD team

The Attorney-General’s Department team is also available to meet directly with business and civil society organisations in Canberra or via teleconference. Request a meeting by emailing slavery.consultations@ag.gov.au.

Written submissions

As part of the consultation process, the Government welcomes written submissions addressing the issues and consultation questions set out in Government’s consultation paper by 20 October 2017.  As part of the consultation process, the Government will also consider all submissions made to the current Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade inquiry into establishing a Modern Slavery Act in Australia. This means organisations that have already provided a submission to that inquiry do not need to provide an additional submission unless there is new information that Government should consider. Further information about making submissions is on the AGD website.

Further information

Consultation roundtables information Modern Slavery in Supply Chains Reporting Requirement website Parliamentary Inquiry website   GCNA news item on Government’s modern slavery reporting requirement proposal

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UN Global Compact Network Australia