Join the UN Global Compact Network Australia (UNGCNA) and Ernst & Young Australia (EY Australia) on 17 August 2023 08:45am – 10:30am (AEST) for the publication launch of ‘The sustainable supply chain ambition – driving sustainability impact through supply chain action‘.
Together, UNGCNA and EY Australia researched how Australian businesses manage their supply chains to reduce negative impacts with regard to labour exploitation and environmental degradation, while also providing opportunities for social equity, environmental restoration and nature-positive outcomes.
Our featured speakers include:
- Kate Dundas, Executive Director, UN Global Compact Network Australia (Facilitator)
- Claudia Campbell, Responsible Sourcing and Supplier Relationships Manager
- Lachlan Feggans, Director, Sustainability, Corporate and Asia Pacific, Brambles
- Kate Skattang, Director, Climate Change and Sustainability Services, EY Australia
- Mia Skinner, City of Melbourne, Director, Procurement and Contract Management.
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