
Past events

Business and Human Rights: An Overview of the UN Guiding Principles and Recent International Developments

13 Aug

1:00 pm - 2:00 pm

Event Details

Ahead of the 2015 Australia Dialogue on Business and Human Rights we are holding a webinar, to provide an introduction to (or refresher on) key business and human rights frameworks and standards, including the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and an overview of recent international developments in this space, which will underpin the discussion at the Dialogue.

The UN Guiding Principles are the authoritative global standard and key reference point on business and human rights. While the discussion at the Dialogue will be shaped around the UN Guiding Principles, it will focus on the practical “how to” of implementation rather than on what the UN Guiding Principles actually say. So, for those attending the Dialogue, this webinar will provide an overview of the international frameworks that sit behind the discussion.

The webinar will also update participants on developments in the global business and human rights agenda over the last year, including in relation to the work of the UN Working Group on business and human rights, a proposal for a binding treaty on the issue and national action plan consultations.

The webinar will be presented by Vanessa Zimmerman, Group Advisor Human Rights, Rio Tinto and Board Member and Chair of the GCNA Human Rights Leadership Group. Vanessa was also an Advisor to Professor John Ruggie, the author of the UN Guiding Principles, in his capacity as the UN Secretary-General’s Special Representative on Business and Human Rights.


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