
Past events

Bribery Prevention Network Sydney Launch

11 May

5:30 pm - 8:00 pm

Event Details

As Australian businesses face increasing scrutiny in combatting bribery and corruption risks, knowing how, while succeeding in business, can be challenging (particularly for small and medium-sized enterprises). At the event, attendees will hear from a panel consisting of speakers from the Australian Federal Police, the Australian Trade and Investment Commission (Austrade), and business and legal experts, on navigating the challenges of bribery and corruption in today’s global markets, as well as having an opportunity to engage in a case study activity discussing these risks.

This event will also be an opportunity to meet other business leaders and risk and compliance professionals across various industries facing these issues.

We look forward to seeing you online. Please contact us for registration details.



Upcoming events

17 Sep
Online 11.30AM - 12.30PM

SME Virtual Breakfast | September 2024

If you are a small or medium-sized business, join the UN Global Compact Network Australia (UNGCNA) for our SME Virtual ...
SME Virtual Breakfast | September 2024
18 Sep
Online 11.00am - 11.45am

New Joiners Session

Join this webinar to discover the considerable benefits of membership in the UN Global Compact. Our team will explain the ...
New Joiners Session