Business & Human Rights, News
Women’s Empowerment Principles continue to grow in Australia
UN Global Compact Network Australia | March 2, 2015
We are continuing to see the Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEPs) grow in Australia. The WEPs – a joint initiative of the UN Global Compact and UN Women – are the only global set of principles offering practical guidance to business on how to empower women in the workplace, marketplace and community.
Telstra commits to Women’s Empowerment Principles
“I’m very proud that Telstra has this year signed onto the UN’s Women’s Empowerment Principles, underlining the company’s commitment to empowering women to participate fully in economic life across all sectors and throughout all levels of economic activity,” says Troy Roderick, head of Telstra’s Diversity & Inclusion function.
The principles cover high-level corporate leadership for gender equality, fairness at work for men and women, health and safety, professional development, enterprise and supply chain, community initiatives and targets and reporting.
“They highlight many of the key things we need to keep working on to empower and encourage women to be part of every aspect of our economy and our society. If we can do these things, by creating more inclusive workplaces with leadership opportunities, flexibility and support for gender equality more broadly, we will help bring transformative change around this critical issue.”
Read more about Telstra’s activities for International Women’s Day here.
Austrade endorses the Women’s Empowerment Principles
Austrade, the Australian Government’s trade agency, has also endorsed the WEPs at an event in Canberra on 23 February. The Hon. Andrew Robb MP, Minister for Trade and Investment and Bruce Cosper, CEO of Austrade, used the event to highlight how Australian companies with an international footprint can empower women.
More information on the WEPs can be found here.