
Our Members

Intrepid Travel


Run by travellers, for travellers, we are the world’s largest provider of adventures travel experiences, carrying over 250,000 passengers a year. Our brands offer over 1,000 itineraries on every continent, cater for all ages, budgets and appetites for adventure. Our business is made of Intrepid Travel, Peregrine, Geckos Adventures, Adventure Tours Australia, Urban Adventures, Peak DMC, and the Family Adventure Company travel brands, along with our non-profit, The Intrepid Foundation.

Our Vision: To change the way people see the world

For centuries people have travelled not out of necessity, but driven by curiosity. Exchanging stories, a meal or a smile with a stranger helps us see the world in a different way and understand our place in it a little better. We gain these experiences when we get under the skin of a destination, and for over 37 years the Intrepid Group has done just that by taking travellers who want to experience local life and different cultures on incredible adventures.

The Intrepid Group has been a participant in the UN Global Compact since December of 2008, first becoming a signatory as Intrepid Travel.

At the Intrepid Group we recognise the need for sustainable tourism and believe in the principles of responsible travel:

  • Respect: the destination including its culture, religion and customs
    Support: local people and the local economy
  • Preserve: the environment through our operations, as well as the attractions that we visit
  • Protect: vulnerable people (including women, children and minority groups) as well as animals and wildlife
  • Giving back: through partnerships with local non-government organisations

We are committed to maintaining our integrity, living our values and ensuring that we are fulfilling the purpose of our business by operating in a responsible manner. We are committed to addressing the Sustainable Development Goals while at the same time fulfilling our purpose: to provide our customers with ‘the best travel experience ever.’

Case Study: Empowering Women through Community-Based Tourism