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Kylie Porter, UN Global Compact Network Australia Executive Director steps down
Emilia Maubach | December 12, 2022
Today, UN Global Compact Network Australia (UNGCNA) has announced Kylie Porter, Executive Director, will be stepping down from her position leading UNGCNA after over four years in the role.
During her time at UNGCNA Kylie has been pivotal to the success and growth of the organisation and its ongoing engagement with Australian business. This has included establishing the organisation as the number one sustainability initiative in the country.
UNGCNA, the Australian Local Network of the world’s largest corporate sustainability initiative, the United Nations Global Network, has long worked with Australian businesses to enable them to act responsibly and contribute to societal goals. Kylie steps down from her role within the organisation after delivering strong membership growth for the organisation and the curation of a specialist team who set the group up for its next phase of growth.
UNGCNA Chair, Fiona Reynolds said of the announcement: “We are so thankful to Kylie for the work she has achieved in her role at UNGCNA over the years. Kylie has been paramount to the growth and impact UNGCNA has experienced in the Australian market and the sustainable progress our participants have achieved through our ongoing programmes and support. Kylie leaves UNGCNA in a strong position as she steps down, ensuring a stable continuation of management for the team and our participants through this transition. We look forward to seeing what Kylie does next, continuing to inspire and enable sustainable change through her passion and expertise for ESG in Australia.”
Throughout her tenure, Kylie grew the team from one employee to a team of nine across programmes, participant engagement, operations and marketing and communications. As a result, Kylie has ensured support for a growing group of participants, increasing from 92 to over 240, including over 50 ASX listed companies, with strong loyalty from participants over her term.
Kylie has also led the expanding grant funding from the Federal Government for the delivery of the Government’s National Action Plan on Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking; the establishment of the Dhawura Ngilan Initiative; the development and management of the Bribery Prevention Network; and funding to assist DFAT with advancing private sector development, engagement, and economic diplomacy across the Indo-Pacific region.
UNGCNA Executive Director Kylie Porter said: “I am so proud of what we have been able to achieve over the past four years, establishing the UNGCNA as the number one sustainability initiative in Australia for business. My decision to leave UNGCNA has been difficult, one that I have not made lightly, however, I know the team we have built will continue to drive the crucial agenda of UNGCNA and I leave confident that the progress we have made with our participants will only strengthen in coming years. UNGCNA has made an enormous contribution to the sustainable efforts of the private Australian business landscape and I look forward to seeing its ongoing impact.”
Kylie was appointed to UN Global Compact’s Board and represented Local Networks as the Regional Chair for Asia-Oceania and the Co-Chair of the Global Network Council during her time with UNGCNA. She also represented the UN Global Compact and UNGCNA on numerous platforms including the Australia’s Government’s Expert Advisory Group on Modern Slavery, the UN Business and Human Rights Forum in Geneva, the Australian National Contact Point’s (AusNCP) Advisory Board and various other business focused conferences and events.
UNGCNA has partnered with over 48 organisations over the last four years including NGOs, businesses, universities, government, and UN agencies. With over 240 participants, which includes a growing base of small-to-medium enterprises, Kylie leaves the role with a notable legacy of sustainable leadership in Australian business.
Kylie will step down by the end of this year, with Evangeline Sanopoulos (Operations Manager), stepping into the role of Interim Executive Director, supported by a leadership team, as UNGCNA recruits a replacement. UNGCNA will ensure continuity and stability within the management of the organisation and programmes execution during this transition.
For all media enquiries including interview opportunities with UNGCNA Executive Director Kylie Porter please contact: Tess McDonald, Thrive PR + Communications: tess.mcdonald@thrivepr.com.au or 0430 766 401