Business & Human Rights, News
2016 Australian Dialogue on Business and Human Rights: Summary and Outcomes Document Published
UN Global Compact Network Australia | December 20, 2016
In October 2016, the Global Compact Network Australia (GCNA) and Australian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) convened the third Australian Dialogue on Business and Human Rights, bringing over 100 practitioners and experts from business, government, civil society and academia together to progress business and human rights practice in Australia.
The event heard from over 30 speakers on current practices, challenges and opportunities within business and human rights, with a particular focus on stakeholder engagement. Key themes explored included corporate leadership on business and human rights, business-NGO engagement, human rights in supply chains, human rights impact assessment, access to remedy and the potential for an Australian National Action Plan on Business and Human Rights.
Key areas which emerged from the discussion for the GCNA, AHRC, Government and other stakeholders to consider for further action on include:
- Human rights in supply chains including modern slavery and other labour issues, both domestically and internationally;
- Access to remedy, including building the capacity and effectiveness of, and awareness around, national mechanisms including the Australian OECD National Contact Point;
- Building awareness and capacity around human rights at the CEO and Board level, including through the use of human rights language and driving more effective investor engagement;
- Engaging SMEs in the discussion;
- Supporting more effective business-NGO engagement, including through multi-stakeholder fora and building each sector’s understanding of the other;
- Progressing national consultations on implementation of the UNGPs, including discussions around the potential for a National Action Plan on Business and Human Rights.
For further information about the annual Australian Dialogue on Business and Human Rights, including agendas and outcome documents from prior years, please see here.
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