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SolarBuddy is an Australian founded impact organisation registered in Australia, the US and Europe, primarily focused on addressing extreme energy poverty, a unique and complex issue that is intersectional – affecting both people and our planet. It operates with the core vision and mission of illuminating the futures of all children through sustainable and innovative solar energy solutions. Its diverse operations cater to various stakeholders, including schools, organisations, and individuals, while promoting sustainability, education, and global citizenship.

Central to SolarBuddy’s mission is its alignment with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), addressing energy poverty’s pervasive impact across all 17 SDGs and 169 specific targets.

By providing sustainable solar energy solutions, SolarBuddy enhances educational outcomes, improves health by reducing reliance on toxic fuels, fosters economic growth, and mitigates environmental impact. Our work in providing clean energy not only addresses energy poverty but also advances global goals for poverty reduction, food security, gender equality, sustainable cities, and climate resilience, making SolarBuddy a catalyst for transformative change towards a sustainable and equitable future.