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Forwood is an innovative, values-driven company with a laser focus on fatality prevention. Established in 1995, Forwood have grown from a small business to a cutting edge technology company supported by an extensive Channel Partner Network around the globe.  Forwood is about making the world a safer place to work by providing innovative safety solutions wherever human life is at risk.

Forwood have a track record of helping organizations to solve two of the biggest safety problems in industry. Firstly, assisting organizations to ‘break through the safety plateau’ and achieve world class safety performance. Secondly, Forwood enables companies to completely eradicate fatalities from the workplace by using their premier Fatality Prevention Solution, CRM, Critical Risk Management.

At Forwood, it is Forwood’s dream to eradicate fatalities and serious injuries from the workplace and make these unacceptable events a safety statistic of the past. Through industry collaboration Forwood truly believe this is possible, and thus, their focus is unwavering. This is why Forwood Safety exists, and why the Forwood Group of companies were created. To eliminate and totally eradicate fatalities and serious injuries from the workplace and to see all employees and contractors return home each day safe and sound.

If your organisation has spent millions of dollars on safety over the years, and you still have not achieved the safety goals and targets that are written in your business plans and corporate values then you will benefit from implementing Forwood’s Safety Solutions.