Business & Human Rights, News
UN Global Compact Network Australia | May 10, 2018
The Global Compact Network Australia welcomed an update on Thursday 10 May on the development of the Australian Government’s proposed Modern Slavery Reporting Requirement.
The Assistant Minister for Home Affairs, the Hon Alex Hawke MP announced key details of the Australian Government’s Modern Slavery Reporting Requirement, including that:
- the Australian Government will comply with the reporting requirement by publishing an annual statement covering Commonwealth procurement
- the Australian Government will establish a new Modern Slavery Business Engagement Unit in the Department of Home Affairs funded through the Federal Budget ($3.6 million) to provide advice and support to business
- the reporting requirement will cover all modern slavery practices, including slavery, forced labour, trafficking in persons and forced marriage, and
- the Australian Government will review the reporting requirement three years after implementation to ensure it remains effective.
A media release and fact sheet with information about the final model is attached for your reference.