
News, Sustainable Development Goals

GCNA appears at Parliamentary inquiry into the role of the private sector in Australia’s aid program

UN Global Compact Network Australia | August 20, 2014

Alice Cope, Executive Manager of the GCNA, appeared at the Parliamentary Inquiry into the role of the private sector in the aid program on 20 August.

Alice highlighted the positive role the UN Global Compact can play in the aid program. To minimise risk to businesses, communities and Australia, any private sector involvement in the aid program must be underpinned by fundamental principles of corporate responsibility, and that the UN Global Compact provides the leading global best practice framework in this regard. The Government was encouraged to promote the UN Global Compact framework to ensure business stakeholders adhere to the highest corporate standards and avoid being implicated in human rights abuses, corruption, or environmental degradation.

Alice’s statement also noted that many GCNA members are already actively promoting sustainable economic development in Australia and the region, including through the Global Compact framework.

The Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade is examining the role of the private sector in promoting economic growth and reducing poverty in the Indo-Pacific region. The Committee received 127 submissions, and a number referenced the important role the Global Compact can play in achieving the Government’s aid program objectives.

GCNA’s submission to the Inquiry can be found here [PDF].

More information about the Government’s new focus on the private sector in the aid program can be found here.


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UN Global Compact Network Australia