
Upcoming events

New Joiners Session

18 Sep

11.00am - 11.45am

Event Details

Join this webinar to discover the considerable benefits of membership in the UN Global Compact. Our team will explain the joining requirements and take you through the comprehensive tools and resources available as part of your membership, then followed by a Q&A session.

Have your organisation thinking of joining the UN Global Compact? Are you interested about becoming a participant of the UN Global Compact?

This webinar is for companies:

✔️ Who are interested in joining

✔️ Who recently joined the UN Global Compact

✔️ Or for new employees of longstanding business members.

Upcoming events

17 Sep
Online 11.30AM - 12.30PM

SME Virtual Breakfast | September 2024

If you are a small or medium-sized business, join the UN Global Compact Network Australia (UNGCNA) for our SME Virtual ...
SME Virtual Breakfast | September 2024
18 Sep
Online 11.00am - 11.45am

New Joiners Session

Join this webinar to discover the considerable benefits of membership in the UN Global Compact. Our team will explain the ...
New Joiners Session