The UNGCNA is pleased to invite you to our latest Modern Slavery Collaborator Roundtable, discussing the relationship and synergies between modern slavery focussed human rights due diligence, and assessing and acting on broader human rights risks. This session will convene a multi-stakeholder group of modern slavery and broader human rights practitioners, civil society, investor and government representatives to:
- Discuss global developments on mandatory human rights due diligence and their potential impact to Australian businesses and other stakeholders.
- Obtain viewpoints of, and facilitate an exchange between, different actors, including business, civil society, investors, government with respect to moving towards mandatory human rights due diligence in Australia as part of the Modern Slavery Act review and more broadly.
- Discuss drivers and potential challenges for businesses in implementing human rights due diligence frameworks including with an initial focus on modern slavery risk management.
- Discuss areas where companies are beginning to look at broader human rights within their due diligence framework (i.e. labour exploitation, gender, living wage, free prior and informed consent (FPIC), etc.) and if time, related drivers with each.
This Roundtable is supported by the Australian Government through the National Community Crime Prevention Program: Modern Slavery Grant opportunity. If you have any questions on the session, please contact our Manager, Human Rights, Chris Caskey. This session is kindly hosted by UNGCNA participant, Corrs Chambers Westgarth.