The Australian Federal Police (AFP) is hosting the next operational working group meeting of the International Foreign Bribery Taskforce (IFBT) in Sydney. The IFBT consists of members from the AFP, Federal Bureau of Investigation, National Crime Agency and Royal Canadian Mounted Police, with the goal of enhancing law enforcement’s response to foreign bribery on an international scale by providing a platform to share knowledge, skills, methodologies and case studies in foreign bribery investigations.
On Thursday 11 May, the IFBT, in partnership with Deloitte, Global Compact Network Australia and Transparency International will host an IFBT meeting day that will be attended by members of the private sector, academia and civil society.
The day will include panel sessions and presentations on various topics including the IFBT, the Deloitte 2016 Bribery and Corruption Survey, what success looks like, self-reporting and cooperation in criminal investigations, adequate procedure guidelines and an international case study of a foreign bribery investigation.
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