
Past events

Business Briefing on the new Myanmar Government and UN Global Compact

13 Apr

5:30 pm - 8:00 pm

Event Details

The Australia-Myanmar Chamber of Commerce, in partnership with the Global Compact Network Australia, invites you to attend a briefing to hear from one of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi’s advisers, Professor Sean Turnell, to gain an insight into her newly elected democratic government . The evening briefing will also include the opportunity to hear from Christopher Lamb, Former Australian Ambassador to Myanmar and founding Member of the Australia Myanmar Institute who will provide some guidance for investors on the role of the UN Global Compact – the world’s largest corporate sustainability initiative – and its significance for businesses in Myanmar. The evening briefing will also include drinks and canapes, and an opportunity for our guests to network.


Topic Speaker
Welcome and Introductory remarks Antony Walsh, Partner, Gadens
Insights into Daw Aung San Suu Kyi’s  newly elected government:

  • Daw Aung San Suu Kyi’s role as leader
  • Who are the key Ministers?
  • How is the government structured?
  • What is their reform agenda?
Sean Turnell, Adviser to Daw Aung Sung Suu Kyi and Associate Professor at the Economics Department of Macquarie University
Progress and insights form the Australia-Myanmar Chamber of Commerce Responsible Investment Working Group Verity Lomax, CEO, Australia-Myanmar Chamber of Commerce
The evolution of Responsible Investment in Myanmar and why International Guidelines such as the UN Global Compact is important for businesses investing in Myanmar Christopher Lamb, Former Australian Ambassador to Myanmar, Associate Professor, University of Melbourne
Panel Discussion on the UN Global Compact:

  • Why did you invest in Myanmar and what is your outlook on conditions?
  • Why did you join the UN Global Compact and how can it benefit you in a market like Myanmar?
  • Were there any challenges?
Glen Robinson, AFG Venture Group, Managing Director – Asia Advisory

Sallie Stone, Hart Security Australia, Managing Director

Alice Cope, UN Global Compact Network Australia, Executive Manager

Drinks, canapés + networking opportunity


At this critical juncture in Myanmar’s history, as Daw Aung San Suu Kyi leads the country towards democracy, the new Ministry and government structure unfolds. As political stability and confidence grows, so too do the opportunities for investment and business creation in Myanmar. This is an opportunity to hear from one of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi’s advisors, Professor Sean Turnell, on who the new Ministers are, how the government has been restructured and an insight into Daw Aung San Suu Kyi’s reform agenda ahead.

As foreign direct investment continues to rise, importantly Myanmar leaders continue to impress upon investors the importance of responsible business conduct. The Australia-Myanmar Chamber of Commerce in partnership with the Global Compact Network Australia (the Australian, business-led network of the United Nations Global Compact), invites you to hear from distinguished experts, alongside Chamber members who are UN Global Compact signatories, to provide a briefing for businesses investing in Myanmar or exploring investment opportunities, on the importance of responsible business practices and how signing up to the UN Global Compact can support responsible business.

Myanmar currently has the highest number of UN Global Compact signatories in the South East Asia region and is looking to increase this figure substantially. Australia also has a strong and active network of UN Global Compact signatories.

Signing up to the UN Global Compact is a commitment that the Myanmar Investment Commission (MIC), the Director General of the Directorate of Investment and Company Administration (DICA) Aung Naing Oo and the President’s Economic Advisor Aung Tun Thet are asking of local and foreign businesses in Myanmar. In Australia, the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade is also supportive of the UN Global Compact, and announced a strategic partnership with the Global Compact Network Australia last year.

The Australia-Myanmar Chamber of Commerce in partnership with the Myanmar Centre for Responsible Investment (MCRB), launched a Responsible Investment Working Group, which brings together Australian and Myanmar businesses and development NGOs to discuss what responsible business means in Myanmar and how companies can work with stakeholders, including the Myanmar Government, to develop innovative models to ensure the highest standards of responsible business are upheld.


Sean Turnell, Adviser to Daw Aung Sung Suu Kyi and Associate Professor at the Economics Department of Macquarie University

Sean Turnell has been a researcher of Burma’s economy for nearly twenty years. Formerly a Senior Analyst at the Reserve Bank of Australia, he is based at the Economics Department of Macquarie University in Sydney. Sean has been an advisor on Burma to the US State Department and other agencies, to USAID, to Australia’s Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, to the World Bank, the Open Society Foundation, and many other international bodies.

Sean has provided frequent testimony on Burma’s economy to US House of Representatives and Senate Committees. Within Burma, Sean is an advisor to a number of key stakeholders and prominent reformers, including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and the National League for Democracy.

Christopher Lamb, Former Australian Ambassador to Myanmar, Associate Professor, University of Melbourne Former Ambassador, Christopher Lamb served as Ambassador to Myanmar (1972-74 and 1986-1989) and is a founding member of the Australia Myanmar Institute. He is Special Adviser to the Australian Red Cross and the IFRC and has advisory responsibilities with many National Societies, business groups, and universities. As Special Adviser on International Relations for the IFRC until his retirement in June 2010, he was responsible for the diplomatic positioning of the IFRC and National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies in the international community, including the United Nations and other intergovernmental bodies as well as with major international non-governmental organisations.

Before joining IFRC in 2000, he was an Australian diplomat and Ambassador to Myanmar, Serbia, Romania and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, after serving in several multilateral posts and as a foreign ministry legal adviser.

Glen Robinson: AFG Venture Group | Managing Director – Asia Advisory 
Mr Robinson has spent the last 21 years focusing on the establishment and development of cross border alliances, joint ventures and mergers and acquisitions particularly targeted to Asia. These corporate advisory activities are based on more than 20 years experience in management consultancy. Mr Robinson has worked with a wide range of industries including agriculture, manufacturing, distribution and service industries.

Mr Robinson initially gained his Asian experience as Chief Executive Officer (CEO) for the Asian subsidiaries and joint ventures of a major international manufacturing and marketing organisation. Mr Robinson sits on the board of many Asian related business organisations and has for many years advised a number of foreign investment boards in the Asian region.


Registration is free for members of the Global Compact Network Australia and/or Australia-Myanmar Chamber of Commerce. $30 for non-members (payable at event).

RSVP directly to Australia-Myanmar Chamber of Commerce at nstory@a-mcc.com.

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