
Past events

Bribery Prevention Network Webinar | Supply Chain Transparency

31 May

12:00 PM - 01:00 PM

Event Details

Considering the evolving global landscape and the increased focus on corporate responsibility, supply chain transparency has become more important than ever. Expectations of both financiers and customers are seeing a rising need for businesses to mitigate risks across a range of areas, including bribery and corruption, money laundering and modern slavery.

Register below to join the Bribery Prevention Network on Wednesday 31 May 12.00pm (AEST) for a webinar that will offer guidance to SMEs on how to address supply chain risks to increase transparency (and promote responsible business practice/bribery prevention), and gain better access to trade finance. Experts in trade finance and compliance will share practical measures that businesses can implement to protect themselves from bribery, corruption, and other risks, and resources to support this process.


Speakers include:

  • Andrew Perkins (Moderator), Director SME Distribution, Export Finance
  • Trent Baldacchino, AML Compliance Officer, Export Finance
  • Sarah Hamilton, Integrity Systems Lead, Principal, Asia Pacific, DT Global
  • Josh de Bruin, Third Party Risk Specialist, ANZ


Can’t attend the webinar? Register anyway to receive the recording and presentation.

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