Featured, Media, Sustainable Development Goals
Bi-partisan support needed for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
Kylie Porter | February 28, 2019
The Global Compact Network Australia (GCNA) has welcomed the recent Senate Recommendations Report on the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and is urging bi-partisan support for the adoption and implementation of all 18 recommendations.
“The GCNA supports the recommendations and call on the Australian Government and the Opposition to commit to adopting and implementing the recommendations in full to ensure we meet our international obligations in sustainable development,” said Kylie Porter, GCNA Executive Director.
Ms Porter said the business, civil society and university sectors were leading the way in operationalising the SDGs but it was vital for the Australian Government to show leadership to facilitate the wider adoption of practices that improve civil society and economic development.
“Our members are leaders in implementing policies and practices that advance the SDGs in Australia. Many of our business members are also already publicly reporting on the SDGs and using tool such as the SDG Compass to guide them in their approach. We also need an uplift in government support and commitment to meet the goals, particularly in relation to a whole of government implementation plan for the SDGs,” Ms Porter said.
“An implementation plan would enable the Australian government to demonstrate the value of the SDGs as a framework for responsible and sustainable development and provide a signal to business that the government is committed to action.”
The GCNA is well positioned to assist with the development of a national SDG implementation strategy, Ms Porter says.
“A number of our members across the corporate, civil society and university sectors are leading the way by operationalising the SDGs in their everyday practice and putting them at the core of their strategic business decisions,” Ms Porter says. “As the Australian arm of the world’s largest corporate sustainability initiative, the GCNA is assisting members to understand and implement sustainable and responsible business practices. We look forward to working with our national government to strengthen this work and support the action already being taken by leaders in business and civil society.”
For inquiries please contact: Secretariat@unglobalcompact.org.au