2023 Australian Dialogue on Bribery and Corruption
Future frontiers in Australian integrity frameworksTuesday 18 July | Sydney
The bribery and corruption risk environment continues to evolve for Australian businesses. The last 12 months have seen landmark legislative reforms, while domestic and international examples of corruption continue to highlight areas of Australia’s integrity frameworks that can be improved.
Complementing last year’s exploration of Navigating the Global Risk Environment, the 2023 Dialogue will turn to home, with a focus on Future frontiers in Australian integrity frameworks. The event will provide an opportunity to hear from leading government agencies, business leaders, non-governmental organisations and academics.
Dialogue sessions will address topics including: the launch of the National Anti-Corruption Commission and its implications for Australian businesses; future developments to integrity frameworks; emerging risks in Australia’s economy; and navigating the self-reporting process.
The event will be held under the Chatham House rule.
Tuesday, 18 July 2023
9.30am – 10.00am
10.00am – 10.10am
Welcome and Acknowledgment of Country
- Kate Dundas, Executive Director, UN Global Compact Network Australia
- Ross Drinnan, Partner, Allens
10.10am – 10:30am
Keynote Address: The launch of the National Anti-Corruption Commission
Keynote address on the launch of the new National Anti-Corruption Commission
- The Honourable Paul Le Gay Brereton, AM, RFD, SC, Inaugural Commissioner for the National Anti-Corruption Commission
10.30am – 11.30am
Panel: National Anti-Corruption Commission implications for Australian businesses
Panel discussion on NACC regulatory expectations and enforcement.
- Ross Drinnan, Partner, Allens
- Professor A J Brown, Griffith University
- Katherine Hawker, Deputy General Counsel, ASC Pty Ltd
- Jill McGahon, Director, Forensic at KPMG Australia
11.30am – 11.45am
Morning Tea
11.45am – 12.35pm
Facilitated Discussion: Future frontiers in integrity frameworks
Facilitated discussion on Australian and international trends.
- Christopher Kerrigan, Partner, Allens
- Marion Barraclough, Director, Fraud Prevention and Anti-Corruption Branch, Attorney-General’s Department
- Anna Griffin, Infrastructure and Anti-Corruption Lead, Transparency International Australia
- Dr Radha Ivory, Senior Lecturer in Law, University of Queensland
12.35pm – 1.35pm
1.35pm – 2.30pm
Panel: Surfacing emerging risks in Australia’s evolving economy
A broad ranging panel identifying new economic directions and associated risks requiring vigilance in anti-bribery risk assessments.
- Cory Davie, Partner, Control Risks
- Tim Robinson, Chief Compliance Officer, BHP
- Ben Iser, Financial Crime Advisor, Suncorp
- Valeska Bloch, Partner, Allens
2.30pm – 3.15pm
Panel: Discussing incentives and risks in self-reporting corporate criminality
Panel on striking a balance between certainty, risks, incentives and discretion amongst different parties for an effective self-reporting process.
- James Campbell, Partner, Allens & Member of Bribery Prevention Network Steering Committee
- Blake Donald, Director, Competition Enforcement and Cartels, Australian Competition and Consumer Commission
- Santo De Pasquale, Assistant Director (a/g), Serious Financial & Corporate Crime (Sydney), Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions
- Jeldee Robertson, Coordinator Corporate Crime and Foreign Bribery, Australian Federal Police
- Robert Wyld, Consultant, Johnson Winter & Slattery
3.15pm – 3.30pm
Afternoon Tea
3.30pm – 4.45pm
Practical Workshop: navigating the self-reporting process
Speakers role-play a prepared scenario to practically illustrate the major considerations of the key parties as they navigate the self-reporting process.
- Cindy McNair, Managing Associate, Allens
4.45pm – 5.00pm
- Kate Dundas, Executive Director, UN Global Compact Network Australia
- James Campbell, Partner, Allens & Member of Bribery Prevention Network Steering Committee
5.00pm – 6.30pm
Networking Drinks
- Date: Tuesday 18 July 2023
- Time: 9.30am – 6.30pm
- Location: Allens, Level 28, 126 Phillip St, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia
For any queries please contact secretariat@unglobalcompact.org.au