
Past events

Melbourne Networking Evening: Business & Biodiversity

03 Aug

05:00 PM - 07:00 PM

Event Details

The conservation of biodiversity is a critical pillar of sustainable development, however biological systems are under threat as a result of human activity. As well as putting people’s health and our ecosystems at risk, a deteriorating environment also poses a significant material risk for investors.

How can Australian businesses and investors manage impacts on nature and deliver positive outcomes for biodiversity and ecosystems?

Join us for drinks and discussion on Thursday 3rd August at 5.00pm (AEST). Through an amazing speaker lineup, we’ll explore biodiversity in the context of enterprise value and learn how businesses and investors can consider their nature-related impacts.

Our Networking Evenings provide an opportunity to engage with like-minded organisations, connect with team members of the UN Global Compact Network Australia as well as to hear from a number of our participants who will discuss the topic of biodiversity through the lens of their business.

Special thanks to The GPT Group for hosting this wonderful evening.

Our featured speakers include:

  • Kate Dundas, Executive Director, UN Global Compact Network Australia (Facilitator)

Kate Dundas is the Executive Director of the UN Global Compact Network Australia (UNGCNA), the Australian Local Network of the United Nations (UN) Global Compact. As Executive Director, Kate leads a team of experts across the fields of business and human rights, environment and climate change, anti-bribery and corruption and sustainable development.

Kate is an experienced and well-regarded executive leader with 20 years of experience across the public and private sectors in sustainability, strategic foresight, strategy and city planning. She holds degrees in Industrial Design, Landscape Architecture and Urban Design, is a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors, Cranlana Centre for Ethical Leadership, Harvard Executive Education for Sustainability Leadership program and is an Executive MBA candidate.

Natalie Kyriacou OAM is a recognised environmental and social impact leader, highly regarded for her authentic leadership in advancing nature, climate, and social equity outcomes.

Natalie was awarded the Medal of the Order of Australia and the Forbes 30 Under 30 honour for her services to wildlife and environmental conservation and education in 2018. She was the United Nations Environment Programme’s ‘Young Champion of the Earth’ Finalist for her innovation in wildlife and environmental conservation, and in 2022, was recognised as one of The Australian’s ‘Top Innovators’ for environmental impact and ‘Top Green Voices’ on LinkedIn.

She is the Founder and Chair of wildlife and environmental organisation, My Green World, a Director at climate and nature firm Pollination, a Board Director at Foundation for National Parks and Wildlife, a Board Committee member at CARE Australia, an Australian Delegate to the W20 (the officialengagement group of the G20), and the former Australian Director of Sri Lanka-based NGO, Dogstar Foundation.

Natalie is also a freelance writer, public speaker and presenter, and climate and nature advisor. She has experience advising corporate, government, and nonprofit clients across sustainability strategy, biodiversity and climate policy, and social impact initiatives. Natalie has authored and co-authored a range of papers, including a 2022 national report on ‘s nature-positive Australia’.

  • Philip Martin, Biodiversity & Performance Manager, The GPT Group

Philip is an experienced environmental manager with expertise in designing, implementing, and evaluating carbon and biodiversity projects. With more than a decade of experience in diverse natural resource management roles, he possesses a breadth of environmental science, governance, and project management knowledge. His current focus is leading delivery of GPT’s biodiversity assessments, biodiversity management plans, and disclosure commitments, and supporting due diligence processes for new developments and nature-related investment.

Philip holds a Master of Forestry (Advanced) from the Australian National University.

Dr Karel Mokany is a biodiversity modeller and ecologist. His research focusses on developing and applying new biodiversity modelling and assessment techniques to improve the information available for biodiversity policy, planning and management decisions. He works with a range of partners and stakeholders in developing customised biodiversity assessment solutions, including government, business and NGOs. Dr Mokany is also a leader in biodiversity accounting, with applications ranging from paddock to continental and global scales, providing information on large proportions of the Earth’s biodiversity.

Brendan Wintle is Professor in Biodiversity Conservation and Director of the Melbourne Biodiversity Institute at University of Melbourne. He develops economic methods to support conservation decisions and policy. He has been Director of Australia’s Threatened Species Recovery Research Hub and UN IPBES coordinating lead author. He is lead councillor on the Biodiversity Council, serves on the Zoos Victoria Board and elected fellow of the Royal Society of Victoria.

  • Dr Evan Center, Environment and Climate Change Manager, UN Global Compact Network Australia

Dr Evan Beaumont Center is an experienced environment and climate change professional with expertise in environmental research, strategy and partnerships. Evan manages UNGCNA programs, partnerships and publications related to Environment and Climate Change—in alignment with the Sustainable Development Goals and the UN Global Compact Network’s Ten Principles. Evan’s career has been driven by a passion for environment, climate change and other sustainability initiatives. He holds a PhD in Communication (University of Kansas) and has published and presented extensively on environmental communication in relation to advocacy, enterprise and economics.

We look forward to seeing you there.

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