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VIDEO | Keeping our eyes on the prize: Is there still a case for divestment?
Nick O’Sullivan | August 24, 2022
This session from the UN Global Compact Network Australia and the Australian Sustainable Finance Institute bring together experts from Australia’s finance, investment and business sectors to understand how to work together to accelerate climate action.
Businesses and investors around the world have seen a shift away from simply divesting from high-emitting companies and assets to instead actively engaging with them to reduce emissions. As a growing portion of the finance sector makes net zero commitments and many governments worldwide increase their ambition on climate, the debate on divestment vs engagement is also evolving.
Speakers include:
- Kylie Porter, Executive Director, UN Global Compact Network Australia
- Kristy Graham, Executive Officer, Australian Sustainable Finance Institute
- Simon O’Connor, CEO, Responsible Investment Association Australasia
- Liza McDonald, Head of Responsible Investment, Aware Super
- David Jenkins, Global Head of Sustainable Finance, National Australia Bank