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Global sustainable investment expert Fiona Reynolds joins UN Global Compact Network Australia as new Board Chair
Kylie Porter | November 8, 2022
Today, UN Global Compact Network Australia (UNGCNA) has announced Fiona Reynolds as the new Board Chair, capitalising on her significant expertise across responsible investing and ESG.
UNGCNA, the Australian arm of the corporate sustainability initiative United Nations Global Network, has welcomed Reynolds to the board as the organisation experiences unprecedented growth with Australian businesses. Reynolds will replace outgoing Chair, Dr. David Cooke after three years in the role.
Reynolds’ appointment reflects her extensive global and local experience in sustainable investment with past and present roles including CEO of the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) and a senior advisor for Affirmative Investment Management (AIM) bringing to UNGCNA almost three decades of experience in superannuation and diversified investments.
The UNGCNA, a special initiative of the United Nations (UN) secretary-general, is a call to responsible businesses to align their operations and strategies with Ten Principles in the areas of human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption. The goal of the network is to accelerate and scale the global collective impact of business by upholding the Ten Principles and delivering the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through companies and ecosystems that enable change.
UNGCNA Executive Director Kylie Porter said, “We welcome Fiona’s significant and impressive business pedigree that will continue to shape the ways UNGCNA can support local businesses to deliver against their science based targets. Fiona’s almost decade leading the Principles for Responsible Investment global initiative, will introduce a global perspective into our local efforts and we look forward to integrating her international approach to our members in Australia.
“Fiona has dedicated her professional career to informing the superannuation industry here and around the world, integrating the notion of responsible investment to an industry that did not previously prioritise ESG efforts. Through her experience, Fiona understands first hand that responsible investment in the short term provides greater profitability for business over the long term, a notion that we are driving to enforce with members in order to achieve the 2030 Agenda and set a clear path to net zero by 2050.
“We acknowledge the impact David has made in his role as Chair over recent years and we appreciate that his legacy will continue to deliver towards our goals and for our members.” Porter said.
Reynolds will be able to bring her global view to the domestic landscape and contribute to local businesses in their meaningful, effective and profitable sustainable investment planning that reflect the Sustainable Development Goals.
Reynolds said of her appointment, “It is a privilege to be appointed Chair of the UNGCNA board and I look forward to continuing to help shape the way Australian private businesses understand and utilise responsible investing. I have witnessed a global shift towards driving ESG focussed investment that protects long term profitability, and I am confident that this theme will continue to infiltrate the Australian business landscape as we work together towards a net zero future.”
Reynolds also served on the board of the UN Global Compact where she worked alongside Vice-Chair Paul Polman (former CEO, Unilever), is on the council of the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC), the Global Advisory Council on Stranded Assets at Oxford University, the UN Business for Peace Steering Committee and the Steering Committee for Investors on Climate Change, Climate Action 100+ and the Finance Against Slavery and Trafficking global committee, the Advisory Board of the UK Green Finance Institute and the Advisory Board for Greening the Belt and Road – a UK/China Initiative.
For all media enquiries including interview opportunities with UNGCNA Executive Director Kylie Porter please contact:
Tess McDonald, Thrive PR + Communications: tess.mcdonald@thrivepr.com.au or 0430 766 401