
Past events

101 Workshop | Getting started with Business and Human Rights 2019

27 Aug

9:00 am - 11:45 am

Event Details

The Global Compact Network Australia (GCNA) is hosting an introductory workshop on business and human rights in Perth.

Businesses face growing expectations from governments and regulators, NGOs, business partners, investors and other stakeholders to ‘know and show’ that they respect human rights both at home and abroad.  This means that businesses need to understand what involvement they may have in adverse human rights impacts and what steps they will take to prevent and address this involvement. This discussion is not always easy to start internally, with a lack of understanding of what the phrase “human rights” actually includes; what reputational, legal and operational consequences may flow from involvement in an adverse human rights impact and how to ensure that this work is integrated into existing work. It is also important that businesses are equipped to participate in key policy discussions and respond to new and emerging  business related-human rights regulation, including the Australian Government’s upcoming draft Modern Slavery legislation.

Led by Vanessa Zimmerman, Director, GCNA and Chair, GCNA Human Rights this 101 workshop will introduce the  the concept of human rights and explain what is expected of business under the the concept of human rights and explain what is expected of business under the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs) – the authoritative global reference point on business and human rights. In doing so it will aim to build business’ practical capacity to identify and manage their human rights-related risks.

Participants will be provided with an outline of all of the elements of business responsibility to respect human rights under the UNGPs, with the workshop unpacking the origins of international human rights standards and outlining why and how they are now being applied to business. It will also explain the foundations of the UNGPs and how they tie into the UN Global Compact, the Sustainable Development Goals and other key sustainability initiatives.

This workshop will include an interview with a business on their human rights risk management and will also explore:

  • What human rights are
  •  How human rights are relevant to business
  •  The business case for respecting human rights
  •  Key elements of business responsibility to respect in the UNGPs including drafting a human rights policy, human rights due diligence and remediation
  •  How the UNGPs fits with other corporate sustainability frameworks and standards


Please note that signatory GCNA Business Members are entitled to one free ticket per organisation. Additional tickets can be purchased under the ‘Member Business Rate’. All participant members are entitled to multiple free tickets per organisation. Please email us to arrange for your discount code.

Please register here.

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