
Past events

101 Workshop (Sydney) | Getting started with Business and Human Rights

30 Aug

1:30 pm - 4:00 pm

Event Details

The Global Compact Network Australia (GCNA) invites you to an introductory workshop on business and human rights.

Lead by Vanessa Zimmerman, Director, GCNA and Chair, GCNA Human Rights Leadership Group this workshop will introduce the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs) – the authoritative global reference point on business and human rights- and build business’ practical capacity to manage their human rights-related risks and meet growing expectations to ‘know and show’ that they are respecting human rights.

Participants will be provided with an outline of all of the elements of business responsibility to respect human rights, with the workshop unpacking the origins of international human rights standards and outlining why and how they are now being applied to business. It will also explain the foundations of the UNGPs and how they tie into the UN Global Compact, the Sustainable Development Goals and other key sustainability initiatives.

This workshop will explore:

  • What human rights are
  • How human rights are relevant to business
  • The business case for respecting human rights
  • Key human rights norms and standards applicable to business, including the UNGPs
  • How the UNGPs fits with other corporate sustainability frameworks and standards
  • How to develop a human rights policy – the first steps in meeting the business responsibility to respect human rights


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