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Global Compact Network Australia announces new Board Chair and Directors
Kylie Porter | April 3, 2019
MELBOURNE, Australia, April 3 2019 — The Global Compact Network Australia (GCNA) is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr David Cooke as its new Chair. David has been a director of the GCNA since September 2017 and is a well-respected businessman who was appointed as the first non-Japanese Managing Director of Konica Minolta Australia in 2013.David holds an MBA from the Australian Graduate School of Management at the University of New South Wales and a Doctorate from Southern Cross University, and is a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.David’s appointment followed a comprehensive search process led by executive search firm, Swann Global. In welcoming David to the Chair position, Executive Director Kylie Porter, noted his extensive experience in responsible business.“David has a distinguished career as an IT and corporate responsibility specialist. He has shown his commitment to the United Nations Global Compact Principles throughout his career and during his tenure with the GCNA.I am looking forward to working with David to ensure that the GCNA becomes Australia’s leading business-led responsible business initiative.”Megan Christensen will continue in her position as Deputy Chair.Following the resignation of Celia Reynolds, Michael Vavakis was also appointed the Board. Michael is the Chief People Officer for Lendlease. Kylie commented that, “Michael brings a range of valuable experience and energy to the Board, particularly across the areas of labour rights, organisational transformation and corporate affairs and communications”.Ms Porter has also been appointed as a Director.Contributions to the GCNA Board are voluntary and assist with raising awareness of the UN Global Compact, whilst also supporting the implementation of the Compact’s Principles, the GCNA’s activities and responsible business practices.
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Media spokesperson: GCNA Executive Director Kylie Porter: 0448 321 527For full biographies visit: https://unglobalcompact.org.au/about/board