
Professor Deen Sanders OAM

Lead Partner, Deloitte: Integrity

Deen is the Lead Partner for Deloitte: Integrity , a noted systems thinker and leadership expert, he is responsible for solving complex problems and leading economic strategy with clients (government and corporate) with a particular focus on the thorny issues of climate, equity, integrity , ethics, data and change.

Deen has more than 30 years of experience in the corporate environment of regulation and government. He is an expert on governance, law, lore and leadership and has held senior positions in business and government, working as a commercial executive , policy maker, regulator and thought leader in academic, regulatory and commercial life . As p ast CEO/Commissioner of the national standards and professional regulatory system (Professional Standards Authority), he was responsible for oversight of professions in Australia. Now recognised as Australia’s Chief Professionalist he is asked to advise on complex regulatory, economic and strategy matters for governments and corporate clients.

His unique and strategic approach to problem solving is informed by his experience as one of Australia’s noted Indigenous leaders. As a Worimi Giparr he has cultural connections across Australia and acts as a critical adviser to clients (governments and commercial) on sensitive and significant matters of Indigenous strategy and culture. He has a particular dedication to the role that Indigenous knowledge , culture and systems theory has in shaping the future of business, economics, law and policy and the positive future for the nation.
