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Delorean Corporation Ltd


From the early inception of the business, Delorean Corporation was built on the core principles of sustainable and responsible development. Delorean Corporation is a vertically-integrated renewable energy company, focussing on bioenergy. Delorean has pioneered the bioenergy market in Australasia, reducing the volume of organic waste going to landfill and diverting it towards the production of green gas, electricity and heat through the carbon neutral process of anaerobic digestion.

Delorean Corporation comprises an Engineering Division, Infrastructure Division and Energy Retail Division. Through these divisions Delorean Corporation has the in-house capability to deliver bioenergy projects across the full lifecycle, from project conception to completion.

Delorean Corporation is dedicated to making socially responsible and environmentally conscious decisions, conforming to ethical behaviour and complying with legislative requirements. They care about the impact of their actions and decisions on clients, the community and the planet.

Delorean is continuing to drive change in the energy sector by innovating, investing in, and leading the finance, construction and operation of large-scale bioenergy plants that divert organic landfill, and reuse agricultural residue to deliver green energy behind the meter for commercial customers. When complete, Delorean’s project pipeline will abate 1.6m tonnes CO2-e each year and generate 2.8TWh of green electricity.

The Company is committed to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, with emphasis on Affordable and Clean Energy, Climate Action, Sustainable Cities and Communities and Responsible Consumption and Production.

Delorean is the only listed bioenergy company on the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX). With bioenergy forecast to play an increasingly important role in Australia’s clean energy transition, Delorean is proud to be contributing to a net zero future for all Australians.