
Past events

WEBINAR | Business and Human Rights: Key Trends for Business in 2020

13 Feb

11:00 am - 12:00 pm

Event Details

The Global Compact Network Australia (GCNA) is hosting a webinar on key trends in business and human rights for 2020.

Human rights continues to be an important area of focus for Australian businesses, with growing expectations around engagement, risk management and disclosure from all stakeholder groups. Examining and understanding what the developing landscape means for corporate Australia is crucial for businesses operating both in Australia and offshore.

This webinar will explore the key human rights trends for business in 2020 including:

  • mandatory human rights due diligence and transparency;
  • climate change and human rights including the need to support an open civic space;
  • and modern slavery and building leverage in business relationships.

The agenda for the webinar is as follows:

11.00am – 11.05am: Introduction

11.05am – 11.10am: GCNA’s overview of key 2019 developments

11.10am – 11.20am: Q&A with Tony Cudmore (BHP)

11.20 am – 11.45am: Panel discussion

11.45 am – 11.55pm: Audience Q&A

11.55 am – 12.00pm: Close


Kylie Porter – Executive Director, GCNA

Paloma Munzo Quick – Director, Investor Alliance for Human Rights

Sean Lees – Business and Human Rights, Rule of Law and Access to Justice Specialist, UN Development Program

Serena Lillywhite – CEO, Transparency International Australia

Tony Cudmore – Group Sustainability and Public Policy Officer

Vanessa Zimmerman – Director and Chair, Human Rights, GCNA


Registration Information

This event is free for GCNA Members. There is a small fee for non-members of the GCNA to cover our costs.

Register to attend this webinar here.

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