
Past events

Sustainability Reporting Month Week 1 | An overview of the reporting landscape: absorbing the alphabet soup

08 Nov

12:00 PM - 01:00 PM

Event Details

Week 1 Webinar –  An overview of the reporting landscape: absorbing the alphabet soup

This first session aims to set the scene for those that follow, by providing a high-level overview of the landscape: background of sustainability reporting; a survey of key reporting frameworks; insights into trends, risks and opportunities; and a description of the role of the Global Compact’s CoP and reporting against the SDGs.

Speakers include:

  • Carol Adams, Chair, Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Global Sustainability Standards Board
  • Karen McWilliams, Sustainability and Business Reform Leader, Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand  and Non-Executive Director, UN Global Compact Network Australia
  • Lachlan McDonald-Kerr, Senior Manager, Sustainability Reporting, Australian Accounting Standards Board (AASB)
  • Dan Wilcock, Sustainability and Governance Manager, UN Global Compact Network Australia
  • Greta Korthaus, Stakeholder Engagement Manager, UN Global Compact Network Australia


Clear, transparent, comprehensive and comparable disclosure of corporate sustainability information is a critical success factor for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by improving the quality and availability of information about sustainability issues in the market.

Join us in November 2023 for our Sustainability Reporting Month webinar series to:

  • Find out about the growing suite of ESG-related reporting standards
  • Hear about leading sustainability reporting practices, frameworks, and tools to help support you in improving the quality, relevance, and impact of your sustainability reporting
  • Prepare for regulatory changes and responses to sustainability reporting and disclosure frameworks

UNGCNA Participants are entitled to complimentary ticketscontact us to receive your access code or keep an eye out for our participant only invitation coming soon.

Please note, a member of our team will review the registration list to ensure eligibility.


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