
Past events

Managing Human Rights Risks in your Supply Chain

07 May

4:00 pm - 6:00 pm

Event Details

Ensuring respect for human rights, including through the supply chain, is a fundamental principle of the UN Global Compact and critical in terms of corporate responsibility, reputation and risk management.

This practical forum, focused on learning and capacity building, will provide participants with insights from some of Australia’s leading companies on their experiences in addressing human rights risks in their supply chains and provide an opportunity for sharing and dialogue on key challenges, opportunities and responses.

The forum will also involve participants in a hypothetical case study to further explore the issues, approaches and relevant tools and resources available to companies in responding to this key risk.

To ensure an open discussion, the forum will be conducted under the Chatham House Rule.


  • Armineh Mardirossian, Head of Corporate Responsibility, Woolworths Limited
  • Ann Austin, National Sustainability Manager – Australia, Lend Lease
  • Lynne Duckham, Manager Sustainability, Australian Food and Grocery Council
  • Facilitator: Richard Boele, Managing Director, Banarra

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