News, Sustainability Governance
SUPPLEMENTARY SUBMISSION | Senate Inquiry into Greenwashing
Julia Bourke | February 26, 2024
The UN Global Compact Network Australia (UNGCNA) recently made a supplementary submission to the Senate Inquiry into greenwashing.
This submission builds on the initial recommendations submitted as part of the inquiry in June 2023.
The supplementary submission provided additional comments on:
- responding to the environmental and sustainability claims made by companies
- domestic and international examples of regulating companies environmental and sustainability claims
- advertising standards in relation to environmental and sustainability claims
- legislative options to protect consumers from greenwashing in Australia.
Aligned with the additional information provided in this Supplementary Submission, the UNGCNA maintains the following recommendations from its original submission:
- Continue to monitor whether the existing legal provisions are fit for purpose
- Support the provision of more detailed Regulatory guidance
- Mandatory Sustainability Action and Disclosure Requirements
On 7 August 2023, the committee was granted an extension of time for the report until 28 June 2024.
Read the full submission on the government’s website.