
Our Members

Home in Place


Home in Place provides secure and affordable housing for low to moderate income earning households, as well as housing products for disadvantaged people who have difficulties sourcing adequate and affordable accommodation in the private market.

Home in Place is committed to upholding the UN Charter of the Human right to “adequate, safe and sustainable housing for all”.

Home in Place currently has operations in Australia (NSW & Queensland) and New Zealand as well as International Development (ID) Projects and Activities in the Pacific Region.

Home in Place has sought to increase its influence on world and domestic housing policy in line with its vision, “that all people have appropriate and affordable shelter and are engaged in sustainable communities”.

Home in Place’s International Strategy focus is to take their experience, skills and expertise to the broader Asia Pacific Region by offering support and assistance through their development projects, community development initiatives, capacity building work, strategic advice and other services for housing and community rebuilding and development.