Our global system is not fit for purpose.
In the past 18 months, we have seen the devastating impacts of climate change, witnessed heightened human rights risks, grappled with a global health crisis, and continued to feel the ripple effects of last year’s recession. Now more than ever, the intrinsic relationships between the environmental, social and economic well-being of our planet are abundantly clear.
The GCNA invites you to Making Global Goals Local Business – Australia (MGGLB-Australia) which will be held in-person and virtually on 11 and 12 May at Melbourne’s State Library. Bringing together local and global multi-stakeholder leaders, this forum will feature sustainability pioneers and champions to demonstrate how responsible business action can drive solutions to global challenges, create new market opportunities, and accelerate action to support the delivery of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Our keynote for the forum is globally renowned corporate responsibility champion, Paul Polman who will discuss good practice methods to translate global goals into local business. Access the full agenda here.
We are standing at a key inflection point where radical, ambitious, and decisive actions are necessary to change our trajectory. Join us to create meaningful transformation and action during this Decade to Deliver.
Event Details:
Access all event details here.