(Note: GCNA Members need to RSVP first to secretariat@unglobalcompact.org.au. An access code will be provided for members to register for free)
The GCNA invites you to join a webinar on key trends in business and human rights for 2018.
Human rights continues to be an important area of focus for Australian businesses, with growing expectations around engagement, risk management and disclosure from all stakeholder groups.
Bringing the perspectives of both global and Australian experts, from different stakeholder groups, together in an interactive panel session, this webinar will explore the key human rights trends for business in 2018 and examine what the developing landscape means for businesses operating both in Australia and offshore.
The webinar will cover a broad range of emerging and existing business and human rights issues likely to require consideration and action by Australian business in 2018, including modern slavery, human rights defenders, access to remedy and LGBTI rights.
- Anita Ramasastry: Member, UN Working Group on Business and Human Rights; Professor of Law, University of Washington; Senior Research Fellow, Institute for Human Rights and Business (Seattle)
- Brent Wilton: Director, Global Workplace Rights, The Coca-Cola Company (Atlanta)
- Edward Santow: Human Rights Commissioner, Australian Human Rights Commission (Sydney)
- Simon O’Connor: CEO, Responsible Investment Association Australasia (Melbourne)
- Vanessa Zimmerman: Chair, GCNA Human Rights Leadership Group (Melbourne) (Facilitator)
Before the panel, there will be an update from the Australian Department of Home Affairs on the Modern Slavery Reporting Requirement.